Data Dictionary
Fields available in our Rate Explorer Portal
For pricing information, please see
Field Name | Description / Sample Values | Original Source |
Additional Information | Additional information relevant to rate | PAYER MRF |
Billing Class | Institutional or Professional | PAYER MRF |
Billing Code | Billing code as-is in MRF | PAYER MRF |
Billing Code Modifier | Modifiers for different rates (22-99, P1) | PAYER MRF |
Billing Code Name | Billing code name as-is in MRF | PAYER MRF |
Billing Code Type | HCPCS, CPT, MS-DRG, etc | PAYER MRF |
Billing Code Type Version | Version of the billing code (2023, 2024) | PAYER MRF |
Expiration Date | Expiration date of the rate (12/31/2024) | PAYER MRF |
Negotiated Rate | Negotiated Rate value | PAYER MRF |
Negotiated Type | Fee schedule, negotiated, percentage, per diem | PAYER MRF |
Negotiation Arrangement | Fee for service (ffs) or Bundle | PAYER MRF |
NPI | Provider ID | PAYER MRF |
Place of Service Codes | Location of service (11, 21, 22, etc) | PAYER MRF |
TIN Value | Value of associated EIN or NPI | PAYER MRF |
City | City Name from NPPES | NPPES |
State | State Name from NPPES | NPPES |
Organization Name | Organization Name from NPPES | NPPES |
Organization Friendly Name | Org Name + DBA Name if present | ADDED BY PAYERSET |
Taxonomy Grouping | High-level taxonomy grouping (Allopathic, Hospitals, Hospital Units, etc) | NUCC |
Taxonomy Classification | More granular taxonomy classification (Clinic/Center, Abmulance, Nursing Care, etc) | NUCC |
Taxonomy Specialization | Most granular taxonomy (Adult Mental Health, Oncology, Orthopedic Surgery, etc...) | NUCC |
Payer | Payer column added for convenience | ADDED BY PAYERSET |
Payerset Billing Code Name | Payerset standardized name of 21k+ billing codes | ADDED BY PAYERSET |
Payerset Billing Code Category | Payerset categorization of 21k+ billing codes | ADDED BY PAYERSET |
Payerset Billing Code Subcategory | Payerset subcategorization of 21k+ billing codes | ADDED BY PAYERSET |
Payerset Billing Code Type | Payerset categorization of billing code types | ADDED BY PAYERSET |
Plan ID | Payerset-created Plan ID that links back to original plan via PLAN_MAP table | ADDED BY PAYERSET |
Plan Name | Friendly name of the plan, created by Payerset | ADDED BY PAYERSET |
Plan Type | EPO, PPO, HMO, POS, or Other Type of the plan, created by Payerset | ADDED BY PAYERSET |
Last updated