🟡Horizon Blue Cross Blue Shield New Jersey
This data contains the price transparency machine-readable files provided by Horizon BCBS New Jersey that have been normalized into easy-to-use tables.
Last updated
This data contains the price transparency machine-readable files provided by Horizon BCBS New Jersey that have been normalized into easy-to-use tables.
Last updated
Table of Contents
Overall Rating: 4/5 - Good
Rates Records: 13,685,544,758
Provider Records: 15,191,518,344
Machine-Readable Price Transparency Files Review
MRFs Up-to-Date: ✔️ Yes, the MRFs are kept up to date each month.
Table of Contents Accessibility: ✔️ The Table of Contents link is easily accessible.
Table of Contents Formatting: ✔️ Yes, the Table of Contents is properly formatted.
File Download Barriers: ✔️ No barriers to downloading the MRFs.
File Accessibility Percentage: ✔️ All but 3 files are accessible.
Overall Assessment Summary
Horizon has substantially improved their file accessibility, only a few files are not available as compared to previously. This is a result of a combination of cleaning up old ToC links and also ensuring general file accessibility.
3 files inaccessible An error occurred while downloading file https://urldefense.com/v3/https://horizonbcbsnj.mrf.bcbs.com/2023-07_302_42A0_in-network-rates_2_of_3.json.gz?&Expires=1692367244&Signature=u1Vj82IXUxz1qTGSfLI1VGOepn970mdI87dlm71UV2Ayl11Rut4G4VGLCTKLHDXXkWcE6eCYnEATWfL-FXPr6JTGvqxO9dZIAMR3vyJVb-lkoaxU5Dreqmyu31gtH2GBtUPLgt1XXiqU6S8TQKZXrMWVQ1CDj5XuQd3cm3hqpTLOO3YuhdXjHgvAtId1R-U9KiRnqiq6yQ40KMeqbM1-1dnUKM5k69QQV735ofNiEEWbPve01JWOiJAydcHh4rc6O2zZmMxGvvHJwU-8nVe9qZ7qNV93F46zFQYuQOFJZH3UE-VdG0tGCFCiBgPIor5GmVY0mOI5X8eGFbt-Tg&Key-Pair-Id=K27TQMT39R1C8A__;fn5-fg!!OUZQVuLPJGsF!zloRASAEJNecri-m5YbmTDvDyblg8CPkWNgavr7a-Z3ociQodA4nep9EEEDJX9v_pemx6CnlfZFYItmUu9orGJl1PXCst_A$ 41d4f6dd47c509d64bff24ec6d07f2a68c2797fa: 403 Client Error: Forbidden for url: https://horizonbcbsnj.mrf.bcbs.com/2023-07_302_42A0_in-network-rates_2_of_3.json.gz?&Expires=1692367244&Signature=u1Vj82IXUxz1qTGSfLI1VGOepn970mdI87dlm71UV2Ayl11Rut4G4VGLCTKLHDXXkWcE6eCYnEATWfL-FXPr6JTGvqxO9dZIAMR3vyJVb-lkoaxU5Dreqmyu31gtH2GBtUPLgt1XXiqU6S8TQKZXrMWVQ1CDj5XuQd3cm3hqpTLOO3YuhdXjHgvAtId1R-U9KiRnqiq6yQ40KMeqbM1-1dnUKM5k69QQV735ofNiEEWbPve01JWOiJAydcHh4rc6O2zZmMxGvvHJwU-8nVe9qZ7qNV93F46zFQYuQOFJZH3UE-VdG0tGCFCiBgPIor5GmVY0mOI5X8eGFbt-Tg_&Key-Pair-Id=K27TQMT39R1C8A
Additionally, there are cases where billing code modifiers are both blank and non-blank, which can be confusing but should be interpreted that the given rate applies to both no modifier as well as the present modifier value. In the case below, the $1223.23 rate applies to no modifiers and RR modifiers.
Table of Contents
Are the MRFs kept up to date each month?
Is the Table of Contents link easily accessible?
Is the Table of Contents properly formatted?
File Accessibility
Are there any barriers to downloading the files?
Do the Table of Contents links expire before publishing new links?
Data Quality
What percentage of the MRFs are properly formatted and parseable
5 Stars - 100%
4 Stars - 80%...