🟢Blue Cross Blue Shield North Dakota

This data contains the price transparency machine-readable files provided by BCBS North Dakota that have been normalized into easy-to-use tables.

Payerset Notes

Table of Contents


Compliance Scorecard

Overall Rating: 5/5 - Excellent


Rates Records: 13,201,746,053

Provider Records: 122,523,145,976

Additional Observations

Machine-Readable Price Transparency Files Review

  • MRFs Up-to-Date: ✔️ Yes, the MRFs are kept up to date each month.

  • Table of Contents Accessibility: ✔️ The Table of Contents link is easily accessible.

  • Table of Contents Formatting: ✔️ Yes, the Table of Contents is properly formatted.

  • File Download Barriers: ✔️ No barriers to downloading the MRFs.

  • File Accessibility Percentage: ✔️ 100% of the files are accessible.

Overall Assessment: BCBS North Dakota generally does a great job of posting these files each month. They duplicate provider data substantially, but that can be a result of interpretation of the CMS rules.

As of May 2024 this has still not been resolved:

There are some issues with one of their Dental files that we weren't able to manually fix, but we did not ding them a star for it. See the full JSON error below:

Error Explanation - 1 file is corrupted, specifically the Dental In Network Rates file

An error was encountered while processing a file with ID 907002cf-7876-4b2f-95b2-da2b606393e1. The error indicates a JSON parsing issue, specifically an "unallowed token" error at a certain point in the JSON text.

Error Details

  • File ID: 907002cf-7876-4b2f-95b2-da2b606393e1

  • Error: Parse error

  • Issue: Unallowed token in JSON

  • Location: Just after a list of numbers before ], "tin": { "type": "ein", "val

Possible Cause

The token causing the error is likely due to a trailing comma after the last item in the array (right before the closing square bracket ]). JSON does not allow trailing commas in arrays or objects.

Corrected JSON Excerpt

...1891139473,1932830130], "tin": { "type": "ein", "value"...

Last updated