🟡Emblem Health

This data contains the price transparency machine-readable files provided by Emblem Health that have been normalized into easy-to-use tables.

Payerset Notes

Table of Contents


Compliance Scorecard

Overall Rating: 4/5 - Good

Table of Contents



  • Are the MRFs kept up to date each month?

  • Is the Table of Contents link easily accessible?

  • Is the Table of Contents properly formatted?

File Accessibility



  • Are there any barriers to downloading the files?

  • Do the Table of Contents links expire before publishing new links?

Data Quality



  • What percentage of the MRFs are properly formatted and parseable

    • 5 Stars - 100%

    • 4 Stars - 80%...


Rates Records: 17,656,365,846

Provider Records: 46,382,894

Additional Observations

Machine-Readable Price Transparency Files Review

  • MRFs Up-to-Date: ⚠️ MRFs are one month behind.

  • Table of Contents Accessibility: ❌ The Table of Contents link is not easily accessible.

  • Table of Contents Formatting: ✔️ Yes, the Table of Contents is properly formatted.

  • File Download Barriers: ✔️ Most of the files are downloadable.

  • File Accessibility Percentage: ✔️ All but 3 of the files linked are available.

Overall Assessment: Emblem Health has 18 files that are valid, but there are 3 files that are inaccessible:

https://transparency.emblemhealth.com/NetworkFilesEH/In-Network/Current/2024-10-07_QualCare_EmblemHealth_PPO_in-network-rates.zip_3a19002dc48d72ea81c7abab59b25839f69494c2: 404 Client Error: Not Found for url: https://transparency.emblemhealth.com/NetworkFilesEH/In-Network/Current/2024-10-07_QualCare_EmblemHealth_PPO_in-network-rates.zip https://transparency.emblemhealth.com/NetworkFilesEH/In-Network/Current/2024-05-07_QualCare_EmblemHealth_HMO_in-network-rates.zip_0e8228109caa92a9f4bb3dbf788f56262d7edb1a: 404 Client Error: Not Found for url: https://transparency.emblemhealth.com/NetworkFilesEH/In-Network/Current/2024-05-07_QualCare_EmblemHealth_HMO_in-network-rates.zip https://transparency.emblemhealth.com/NetworkFilesEH/In-Network/Current/2024-07-01_Montefiore-Delegation_EmblemHealth_in-network-rates.json_c16335b8300f70370d173677588ad9df6980b106: 404 Client Error: Not Found for url: https://transparency.emblemhealth.com/NetworkFilesEH/In-Network/Current/2024-07-01_Montefiore-Delegation_EmblemHealth_in-network-rates.json

Last updated