Blue Cross Blue Shield Michigan
This data contains the price transparency machine-readable files provided by BCBS Michigan that have been normalized into easy-to-use tables.
Last updated
This data contains the price transparency machine-readable files provided by BCBS Michigan that have been normalized into easy-to-use tables.
Last updated
Table of Contents
Overall Rating: 5/5 - Excellent
Rates Records: 51,323,012,250
Provider Records: 208,009,720,972
Machine-Readable Price Transparency Files Review
MRFs Up-to-Date: ✔️ Yes, the MRFs are kept up to date each month.
Table of Contents Accessibility: ✔️ The Table of Contents link is easily accessible.
Table of Contents Formatting: ✔️ Yes, the Table of Contents is properly formatted.
File Download Barriers: ✔️ No barriers to downloading the MRFs.
File Accessibility Percentage: ✔️ 100% of the files are accessible - though there is one file with an unsupported extension, but we believe this is not a "real" MRF.
Overall Assessment: BCBS Michigan does a great job of posting these files each month. They duplicate provider data substantially, but that can be a result of interpretation of the CMS rules.
As of May 2024, there is a single file that has invalid JSON, but it appears to be an old file from April, specifically this file:
Table of Contents
Are the MRFs kept up to date each month?
Is the Table of Contents link easily accessible?
Is the Table of Contents properly formatted?
File Accessibility
Are there any barriers to downloading the files?
Do the Table of Contents links expire before publishing new links?
Data Quality
What percentage of the MRFs are properly formatted and parseable
5 Stars - 100%
4 Stars - 80%...