🟡Security Health Plan

This data contains the price transparency machine-readable files provided by Security Health that have been normalized into easy-to-use tables.

Payerset Notes

Table of Contents


Compliance Scorecard

Overall Rating: 4/5 - Good

Table of Contents



  • Are the MRFs kept up to date each month?

  • Is the Table of Contents link easily accessible?

  • Is the Table of Contents properly formatted?

File Accessibility



  • Are there any barriers to downloading the files?

  • Do the Table of Contents links expire before publishing new links?

Data Quality



  • What percentage of the MRFs are properly formatted and parseable

    • 5 Stars - 100%

    • 4 Stars - 80%...


Rates Records: 42,374,682

Provider Records: 1,938,917

Additional Observations

Machine-Readable Price Transparency Files Review

  • MRFs Up-to-Date: ✔️ Yes, the MRFs are kept up to date each month.

  • Table of Contents Accessibility: ✔️ The Table of Contents link is easily accessible.

  • Table of Contents Formatting: ✔️ Yes, the Table of Contents is properly formatted once unzipped.

  • File Download Barriers: ✔️ No, there are no barriers to downloading the files.

  • File Accessibility Percentage: 99% of the files (54/55) are accessible. There is a file that is not accessible, and it appears to be a relevant file, which impacts the rating.

Overall Assessment: Security Health Plan has done a great job in publishing their machine-readable price transparency files. Our review process found no issues with the files, indicating a high level of compliance and user-friendliness.

File Error Details

An error occurred: 403 Client Error: Forbidden for url: https://shp-web-public.s3.amazonaws.com/PRD/external-in-network-rates/in_network-Northwood.zip

Last updated