🟡Blue Cross Blue Shield Florida

This data contains the price transparency machine-readable files provided by BCBS Florida that have been normalized into easy-to-use tables.

Payerset Notes

Table of Contents


Compliance Scorecard

Overall Rating: 4/5 - Good


Rates Records: 17,280,082,609

Provider Records: 163,610,247,812

Additional Observations

Machine-Readable Price Transparency Files Review

  • MRFs Up-to-Date: ✔️ Yes, the MRFs are kept up to date each month.

  • Table of Contents Accessibility: ✔️ The Table of Contents link is easily accessible.

  • Table of Contents Formatting: ✔️ Yes, the Table of Contents is properly formatted.

  • File Download Barriers: ❌ MRF Links in the TOC expire before new links are posted, making it important to download/parse the data by the 20th of each month.

  • File Accessibility Percentage: ❌ 98% of the files are accessible.

Overall Assessment: BCBS Florida has a number of issues, including that their Table of Contents links expire before new links are posted (usually by the 20th of the month), and 8 of their 557 files are not accessible. Additionally, some of the data for major health systems in Florida is missing, which could be part of the inaccessible 8 files but it's more likely that these are not being reported on at all.

Last updated